We have had the allotment for one month! I must say it has gone quickly. Most of our evenings after work and our weekends are spent here, we have already had several compliments about how good the allotment looks and that it hasn’t looked like it in years!
But unfortunately, this week has been a strange one. We had started work on the right side last week but have been unable to continue due to other jobs that have popped up and lack of storage space; frustrating but the reality of having an allotment.

As mentioned in my last post, two plots on the right side have been turned over, along with some of the side border. Once the compost bin is finished, the majority of the mess will be gone. We have collected 10-12 pallets for a variety of projects. Some will be used for our compost bin and some will be used for planters. I’m sure there will be plenty left over for our other projects. We managed to pick these up for free; we are trying to keep the allotment as low waste and cost as possible.
Tepees were erected for the beans to grow on. We would have put them on the right side of the allotment if it had been ready, but actually I quite like the symmetry. We won’t be able to plant them in this exact position next year as we hope to have trees here, but I would like to keep the beans somewhere along the path.

The weather has been so hot and dry the last week, which has also hindered us. A lot of the plants looked quite sad and droopy at first, but there are now signs of growth everywhere you look.