Five Things You Should Do In Winter

The branches now sit bare, the days are shorter and the nights are cold. The plot is empty but the pantry is full. The pace of things on the plot has certainly slowed down, but there are a few things you can be getting on with over winter.

Tidy up your plot

Some parts of your plot may have become unruly, but now the majority of crops have finished now is the perfect time to catch up. Trim back any hedging or brambles that may be on your plot, dig up the overgrown strawberry patch, weed the border and tidy and touch up the shed.

If you have any piles of leaves or plants with large stems such as sunflowers, you are best to leave these until temperatures are consistently 10C and up as little critters may be hibernating in them. Spent sunflower heads also make great birdfeeders over winter.

Plan your plot

Your plot is now a blank canvas, so plan where and how many plots you want for next year. Order your seeds and bulbs, get sowing and propagating and make some raised beds if you wish. Now is the perfect time to refresh and redesign your little patch.

Create habitats for animals

Bug hotels, hedgehog houses (although by now they should be hibernating), bird boxes, solitary bee houses and even piles of leaves are all fantastic things to have on the plot. Place these in a quiet patch on your plot where the animals will not be disturbed.

Cut back your autumn fruiting raspberries

Autumn fruiting are much easier to prune than the summer fruiting. If this is the first year of having your bushes, then you will not need to prune. Leave them to get established. Simply cut back all of the canes to ground level after they have finished fruiting.

Clean your tools

Your tools will need refreshing in time for the spring season. Use a scrubbing brush to loosen and remove any soil and dirt from the metal part of your tools, try to avoid getting the wooden handles of your tools wet. Use wire wool on the blades of more delicate tools, such as secateurs and loppers. You can also sharpen your tools using a sharpening stone or a drill attachment.





One response to “Five Things You Should Do In Winter”

  1. […] & tie backIf you didn’t get around to cutting back your autumn fruiting raspberries in winter, there is still just enough time to get them pruned even if there is signs of new growth. You can […]